A father plays an important role in the social development of a teenager.
Nowadays in Hong Kong, pre-school children have to attend a number of different after-school activities and a second language is one of the most popular choices for parents. But is it good for the child to learn a second language at an early age?
Like our face and eyes, head, our arms, legs and feet give some clear signs about our feelings.
“Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief.” So said Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Often we think that a long piece of writing is better; however quantity does not always trump quality. A short piece of writing means that the writer must get to the “nitty […]
How often do we treat meetings as a necessary evil, as something taking us away from the important day-to-day work and tying us up in chit-chat and time-wasting?